Research Article Open Access

A Performance Study of Reactive Multicast Routing Protocols in Virtual Class Room Using Mobile Ad Hoc Network

S. Vijayaragavan, K. Duraiswamy, B. Kalaavathi and S. Madhavi


Problem statement: A great deal of excitement has recently propelled Mobile Learning to the forefront of educational technology. The exponential growth of mobile technology in the recent years, increase in the availability of high-bandwidth network, advances in wireless technologies and popularity of handheld devices, have opened up new accessibility opportunities for education. Approach: Virtual class room using MANET had been proposed to enhance the m-Learning opportunities in a residential institution. Results: This environment transferred both large and small volume of data to the particular group members. Generally multicasting supports group oriented computing. Such a group oriented service required a suitable multicast routing protocol. Two standard multicast routing protocols were implemented and analyzed for tree (MAODV) and mesh (ODMRP) based approach. The performances of group learning module of VCR had been analyzed using MAODV and ODMRP routing protocols for parameters such as network traffic, the node speed and the network area. Conclusion/Recommendations: Our results showed that many scenarios in VCR environment, MAODV achieved a higher packet delivery ratio than ODMRP.

Journal of Computer Science
Volume 5 No. 11, 2009, 788-793


Submitted On: 9 September 2009 Published On: 30 November 2009

How to Cite: Vijayaragavan, S., Duraiswamy, K., Kalaavathi, B. & Madhavi, S. (2009). A Performance Study of Reactive Multicast Routing Protocols in Virtual Class Room Using Mobile Ad Hoc Network . Journal of Computer Science, 5(11), 788-793.

  • 6 Citations



  • Mobile learning
  • mobile ad hoc network
  • personal digital assistant
  • multicast routing
  • virtual class room